■ Yongqing Yang, Yeming Gong, Lesley Pek WeeLand, Thomas Chesney. Understanding the effects of physical experience andinformation integration on consumer use of online to offline commerce,International Journal of Information and Management. 2020, 51. (SSCI/TOP)
■ 杨永清, 王鑫磊, 张媛媛, 吴江. 舆情传播中社交网络圈群结构属性的影响机制研究, 情报杂志. 2023.8. (CSSCI) ■ 杨永清, 徐运成, 樊治平, 王晰巍. 情感驱动的社交网络用户内容创建及信息传播行为研究, 现代情报, 2023.4.(CSSCI) ■ Yongqing Yang, Jianye Xu, Zhiping Fan,Lesley Land. Exploring users' content creation and information disseminationbehavior in social media: The moderating effect of social presence. ActaPsychologica, 2023. 3. ■ Yongqing Yang, Thomas Chesney, ShuiqingYang, and Zhangang Hao. Why do Merchants Continue to Use Mobile Payment? AData-Information-Value Perspective. International Journal of MobileCommunications, 2023. (Available soon) ■ Yongqing Yang, Yuncheng Xu, Zhangang Hao,Jianyue Xu. The Influencing Mechanism of Social Media Users’Group Emotion on the Evolution of PublicOpinion: An Analysis of the Moderating Effect of Social Presence. The 22thWuhan International Conference on E-business(WHICEB2023) ■Yongqing Yang, Thomas Chesney, ShuiqingYang, Shan Liu, How Psychological Needs Affect People’s Behavior inSocial Networking Services, 2021 International Conference on Management Scienceand Software Engineering, Chengdu, China, July, 2021 ■Yongqing Yang, Thomas Chesney, ShuiqingYang, and Zhangang Hao. Why do Merchants Continue to Use Mobile Payment? A Data-Information-ValuePerspective. HCI International 2021, Washington DC, US, 26 July, 2021 ■ 徐运成, 杨永清, 吴恒亮, 李元. 基于机器学习的客户资产配置决策偏好预测研究, 金融理论与实践, 2021, 4, 73-7 ■ Yuan Li, Zhijunm Yao, Yongqing Yang, etal. A Study on PHF-Tau Network Effected by Apolipoprotein E4. American Journalof Alzheimer Disease and Other Dementia. 2020. ■ Yang, Y. and Y. Liu, et al. Understandingperceived risks in mobile payment acceptance. Industrial Management & DataSystems, 2015, 115(2): 253-269. SCI/SSCI. ■ 杨永清, 何婷婷.基于TAM的商户移动支付采纳意愿实证研究,企业经济, 2017(11):35-41 ■ 房芳,于本海,智荣腾,杨永清.基于关键链技术的项目缓冲时间算法研究综述[J].项目管理技术,2017,15(10):16-22. ■ 于本海, 杨永清, 孙静林等. 顾客体验与商户线下存在对社区O2O电商接受意向的影响研究, 管理学报, 2015, 12(11): 1658-1664 ■ 杨永清,于本海. 基于物流服务的消费者在线购买后行为实证分析. 管理学报,2014,11 (03):434-438. CSSCI,影响因子,1.845 ■ 满青珊,张金隆,种晓丽,杨永清. 基于博弈论的移动增值服务价值链协调机制. 管理工程学报, 2013(02): 177-186. CSSCI ■ 徐岩,胡斌, 杨永清. 团队知识共享行为的随机突变模型及仿真. 运筹与管理, 2013(05): 240-249. CSSCI ■ 徐岩,赵旭,杨永清. 随机突变理论的应用与研究评析. 统计与决策,2012(22): 34-38. CSSCI ■ 杨永清,张金隆, 聂磊, 种晓丽. 移动增值服务消费者感知风险维度实证研究, 工业工程与管理, 2011, 16(1): 91-96. CSCD, 影响因子, 1.049 ■ 杨永清, 张金隆,李楠,杨光. 消费者对移动增值服务感知风险前因的实证研究,管理评论,2012, 24(3): 115-123.影响因子,1.626 ■ 杨永清,张金隆,满青珊.消费者对移动增值服务的感知风险外向因素及其中的调节效应研究,经济管理,2010, 32(9):147-155. CSSCI, 影响因子, 1.021 ■ 杨永清, 张金隆, 满青珊, 慕庆国. 移动互联网采纳研究: 基于感知成本、利益和风险的视角,情报杂志, 2012.31(1): 200-207. CSSCI, 影响因子,1.614 ■ 杨永清,张金隆,李楠,杨光. 近距离移动支付的消费者用户接受行为研究:基于消费者视角, 图书情报工作,2012, 56(2): 142-148. CSSCI, 影响因子, 1.406 ■ 杨永清. 应用型物流管理本科专业学生的实践能力培养.现代教育技术,2011(2): 136-139. CSSCI, 影响因子, 1.172 ■ 杨永清, 张金隆, 孙媛媛, 尹泰. Exploring Revenue Distribution of MobileValue-Added Service Chain based on Game Theory, Journal of ConvergenceInformation Technology, 2011,6(7): 288-293. EI ■ 杨永清,张金隆, 杨建华, 孙媛媛, Understanding the Adoption of MobileInstant Messaging in China, Advances in Information Sciences and ServiceSciences. 2011,3(7): 104-111. EI ■ 杨永清, 李楠, 孙媛媛, 李珊珊. Study on the Effects of Logistics ServiceQuality on Consumers' Post-Purchase Behavior of Online Shopping. Advances inInformation Sciences and Service Sciences, 2011, 3(11): 241-247. EI ■ 范德明, 杨永清, An Adaptive and Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm for Structured P2PSystems , Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 2011. ■ Liu Yong*, Yang Yongqing, and Li Hongxiu. A unified risk-benefit analysis frameworkfor investigating mobile payment adoption. In 11th International Conference onMobile Business, AISeL, 2012 ■ 杨永清. 移动服务用户接受行为研究——基于感知风险的视角. 经济管理出版社,14万字, 2012.3 会议论文 ■ 杨永清, 何婷婷. 基于需求理论的SNS用户差异化社交行为实证分析, 第十六届全国计算机模拟与信息技术会议, 湖北武汉华中科技大学管理学院, 2017.10.15-16. ■ Yongqing Yang ,Yeming Gong,Benhai Yu ,Jinlong Zhang,Tingting He,What Drives Online-to-Offline Commerce: From a Perspective of Consumer,The 15th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business,Wuhan,2016.05.27-2016.05.29 ■ 杨永清,孙静林,于本海,用户体验与商户线下存在对社区O2O电商电商接受意向的影响研究,第十五届全国计算机模拟与信息技术学术会议,湖南大学,2015.07.20-2015.07.22. ■ 杨永清, 张金隆. Discussion on the dimensions of consumers’ perceived risk in mobile service [C]. 8th ICMB, Dalian, China, 2009, 7.(EI) ■ 杨永清, 张金隆, 邓朝华. Antecedentsof consumers’ perceived riskin mobile value-added services [C]. 2010 International Conference on ManagementScience and Safety Engineering, Yantai, China, 2010.8. (ISTP) |